PRECIMECA was founded in 1973 to provide maintenance services on crushers for animal co-products. This historic activity continues today with the manufacture and after-sales service of crushers, graders and choppers for the food industry in France and abroad.CA’S HISTORICAL ACTIVITY
Animal co-products (or by-products) are defined by Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009, depending on the level of health risk they present:
Category 1 materials are materials presenting a risk with regard to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, known as TSE (this includes specified risk materials – SRM – and animals suspected or declared to have TSE) or with respect to substances prohibited (hormones) or dangerous for the environment (dioxins).
Category 2 materials are materials presenting a health risk with regard to animal diseases other than TSEs (this includes foodstuffs seized for health reasons and animals that have died other than by slaughter), or with regard to residues of veterinary drugs. .
Finally, category 3 material is material derived from animals whose carcasses have been declared fit for human consumption after health inspection.