You know your installation perfectly … and its limits. To make minor changes … or more radical ones ! PRECIMECA can help you from defining your needs to on-site commissioning.
PLANTs evolve
PRECIMECA designs and manufactures installations made to last … but sometimes the needs change ! We support you by leveraging our many years of worldwide experience, to adapt your shredding installations to your evolving market.
In our areas of expertise (scrap tires shredding, animal by-products, industrial or hazardous waste, etc.), backed by our design engireering office, we can help modifying an existing installation, even if supplied by a third party..
Automatic feeding systems, screening or separation systems, remote controls, Man Machine Interface : all these elements can be added to an existing installation.
Transitionning from an hydraulic transmission towards a more efficient electric one or for a complete overhaul of an installation: we help you to reach your next significant step !